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The First Monograph by

Roger A. Deakins

Roger Deakins has released a book, "Byways", which has a collection of the photographs he has taken over the years.

Both Roger and James Deakins, have created a podcast episode about the book "Byways"

The link to the Podcast

In the podcast, Roger and James Deakins discuss,

"What taking stills gives to Roger that film does not, how he enjoys observing things and places, how there is no pressure to shoot anything specific, what he likes to take images of and why he prefers to shoot in black and white. The team also talks about his time shooting for the Beaford Archive and developing his eye. Roger Deakins likes dedicating his day to shooting on his still-camera and he only takes iPhone photos when he’s fishing ... "

"Byways"(The Book)


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